Size:500x331 - 105k: BME Tattoo
iam bmezine. piercings. tattoos.
But have you ever seen a tattoo just APPEAR on someone's flesh?
have their faces tattooed with dragons, was later discovered
Skull Tattoo Pictures, Images and Photos
World's First Eyeball Tattoo
Flash Your Tattoo: Jess Yen Tattoo Artist
I saw this a long long time ago on bmezine, still smitten by it.
Dragon Tattoos
from Ink Art Tattoos
from Flash Your Tattoo
Clean Fun Tattoo Studio in Georgia. I love the circular composition, creepy lighting, and menacing claw.
from Tattoo blog
Apr 15 2009I Feel Funny: Best Dinosaur Tattoo EVER best tattoo artists in
Got your tattoo headlines right here, from convention coverage to tattoo law
There's an interview with him on BMEzine here.
a head-to-toe trellis of tattooed excerpts from Faulkner,
Clicking through the thumbnails of BMEzine's cartoon tattoos section,
Tattoo Artist - Liorcifer - Tribulation Tattoo